Something New

So I have decided to start a travel blog. I have been talking about it for sometime now but have never really taken the action to do so. I am doing this for a few reasons:

One would be to kick my butt into gear. If I have this, and stick with it then it will push me to take more steps towards living the life I want to live, which is traveling all over the world full-time and sharing my experiences with you through photos and stories I post on this site and through other mediums.

Second would be to have a place where I can collect my thoughts and ideals about what I have done, what I am doing and what I want to do. Plus it’s nice to be able to look back on where you were six months ago and realize how much you have grown, or maybe not grown, as a person.

And third is to start working on being able to support myself financially doing something I want to do and can do in any location in the world. Again, this will be accomplished through this and other mediums. And this is not the main reason, as I am not expecting to be making enough to fully support my travels anytime soon. But hey, one day right?

So hopefully you enjoy this site. Hopefully it inspires you to do what you really want to do. And hopefully with your comments and inspiration I will be inspired. Can’t wait!